Small Groups Ministry News

Connect & Serve

Connect & Serve!

Want to join a group, start a new group or serve others??? Stop by the Connect and Serve Counter in the Lobby to learn about ways to get involved with small groups or ministry opportunities. 

XYZ Seniors

Thursday, August 15 | 11:00am

June's speaker will be Fred Kipp, a retired pro baseball player.
Guests are always welcome; you are never too young to attend.
PLEASE NOTE: This will be the last XYZ meeting until September.
Sign up at the the table in the narthex or contact Jade Scarlett.

Novel Ideas Book Group

Thursday, July 18 | 7:00pm

Join other other avid readers in room 109-110
to discuss the current book being read by the group.
Join the discussion, even if you don’t have a chance to finish the reading!

Crafters' Group

Tuesday, August 13  | 10:00am-12:00pm

Come check out our Crafters Group; we’ll meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Sunshine Room.
Bring your current projects and join us for fun, fellowship and crafting! You may find something that you’ve wanted to try!
Contact Janice Kindred or Marcia Mack with any questions.

Why Cook? Supper Group

Sunday, July 28| 6:00pm

Enjoy conversation with old friends and new as we share dinner at
Maggiano's Little Italy, 7025 West 135th Street, Leawood, KS 66223.
Please click on the button below to RSVP to Janette Schumm.

Atonement Golfers - Join us!

Thursdays | Tee Times 5:51pm and 6:00pm

We meet at Sykes Lady Golf Course; your choice of two tee times as listed above.
Questions? Email Dennis Allerheiligen.

Women's Circles at Atonement

Reach out to the contact person for more information; 
they would be delighted to welcome you!

Sarah Circle
(Currently on summer hiatus. Resumes meeting in the fall.)

Hope Circle
(Currently on summer hiatus. Resumes meeting in the fall.)

Joy Circle
Contact Gerry Barrett for dates and times!

Monday Bible Study
Contact Barbara for dates and times!
Room 102

Mary Circle
Contact Dorothy for dates and times!
Sunshine Room at Atonement