Drew Renollet
Youth & Family Ministries Director (YFaM)
If you would like to learn more about any of our youth ministries, please contact our Director of Youth and Family Ministries (YFaM)
High School
High School Sunday School
Join Drew Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:45 AM as we dig into the Word and learn more about our faith together.
Sunday Hang Time
Sunday Afternoons | 12:15 - 1:30 PM
Meet in the Narthex and go grab lunch!
Sunday Evenings | 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Atonement Room 104 - Youth Room
Come join Drew for a short devo, and a time
of fun and games!
Sunday Afternoons | 12:15 - 1:30 PM
Meet in the Narthex and go grab lunch!
Sunday Evenings | 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Atonement Room 104 - Youth Room
Come join Drew for a short devo, and a time
of fun and games!
Youth Wednesday Night Bible Study
Wednesday Nights | 6:30 PM | Youth Room
High school students, join Drew for High School Bible Study as we explore meaningful topics that resonate with youth in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Bring your friends, too, and let's connect and grow together!
High school students, join Drew for High School Bible Study as we explore meaningful topics that resonate with youth in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Bring your friends, too, and let's connect and grow together!
Monthly Social Events
Once a month we have a social event where we go out and do something fun together!
2025 Trivia Night and Chili Cookoff
March 1, 2025 | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Charter Hall
Join us for an exciting evening of trivia, hosted by our very own Trivia Guru, Pastor Zac. Along with the trivia challenge, we’ll have our annual chili cookoff and raffle off some fantastic prizes throughout the night. Childcare will be available in the nursery.
Dust off those thinking caps and chili recipes for a fun-filled evening! The cost to participate is $20 per person (teams consist of 8 players). Sign up between February 2 and February 26 for trivia and the chili cookoff by using the buttons below or stopping by the table in the lobby.
Join us for an exciting evening of trivia, hosted by our very own Trivia Guru, Pastor Zac. Along with the trivia challenge, we’ll have our annual chili cookoff and raffle off some fantastic prizes throughout the night. Childcare will be available in the nursery.
Dust off those thinking caps and chili recipes for a fun-filled evening! The cost to participate is $20 per person (teams consist of 8 players). Sign up between February 2 and February 26 for trivia and the chili cookoff by using the buttons below or stopping by the table in the lobby.
Summer 2025 Mission Trip
June 21 – 28, 2025 | Blue Ridge Mountains - North Carolina
Are you in 9th-12th grade and want to serve a community in need in the summer of 2025? On our summer mission trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, we will serve a community hurt by the recent hurricanes. You can sign up using the button below or contact Drew Renollet for more information.
Are you in 9th-12th grade and want to serve a community in need in the summer of 2025? On our summer mission trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, we will serve a community hurt by the recent hurricanes. You can sign up using the button below or contact Drew Renollet for more information.
Confirmation (7th and 8th grade)

Confirmation class meets on Sunday mornings, September – May, from 9:45-10:45 AM. In these groups, we engage in large-group and small-group conversations about the topic of the day. We learn from Scripture, the Catechism, and one another. Contact Pastor Zac for questions.

October, January, March
We have a fall retreat in October, winter retreat in January, and Tomah Shinga Camp has a middle school retreat in March. These 3 day/2 night retreats give our students time to connect with each other, God, and the community.

June 2025
Every summer, our Confirmation students spend a week together at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp. We spend the week doing special confirmation lessons in the mornings, and regular camp activities the rest of the day. Our youth enjoy being together in the outdoors, and always have a blast at camp swimming, hiking, boating, crafting, and so much more.