Jordan Stone
Pastor of Caring Ministries
If you would like to learn more about any of these Programs below, please contact Pastor Jordan
Prayer Ministry
Prayer Request Cards
(in Sanctuary attendance registers): You may share your prayer requests on the blue cards in the blue attendance registers; they will be received in the church office and included in our prayers.
Prayers During Worship
As part of the worship liturgy, these prayers are read from the back by the font, as an offering from the congregation.
Request a Prayer
Use the form below to request a prayer. Atonement’s Prayer Vine sends emails out as requested for those who request prayers for themselves, family members, or friends. The Prayer Sheet is included weekly in the worship bulletin, and lists those members, family, and friends that are in need of prayer.
Join the Atonement Prayer Vine
Use the button below to join the Atonement Lutheran Church Prayer Vine. You will receive emails with prayer requests so that you may pray for others.
Grief Support
If you are experiencing the pain of loss, we are here to offer support and care during this difficult time. We understand that grief has no timeline and can be overwhelming. Compassionate grief support is available through one-on-one conversations, prayer, and group gatherings. We would love to walk alongside you on your grief journey, offering comfort, encouragement, and spiritual guidance. Please don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Jordan Stone for more information and begin receiving the support you need.
Visitation Ministries
Stephen Ministry
The core purpose of Stephen Ministries is reflected in the words of St. Paul in his letter to the Ephesians: “To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12-13).
Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who receive special training to provide one-on-one Christian caregiving to Atonement members and friends who are experiencing life’s problems. A Stephen Minister serves as a non-judgmental Christian friend who meets periodically with the care receiver in a quiet setting to listen, ask questions, and provide support. All conversations are held in strict confidence.
Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who receive special training to provide one-on-one Christian caregiving to Atonement members and friends who are experiencing life’s problems. A Stephen Minister serves as a non-judgmental Christian friend who meets periodically with the care receiver in a quiet setting to listen, ask questions, and provide support. All conversations are held in strict confidence.
Bread of Life
Communion for the Homebound
Consists of lay ministers who have been trained for and have a passion to visit our home-bound members and to take them Communion. We serve over 30 home-bound individuals each month, and in these visits, God’s work is being done and relationships are being developed and nourished.