
Options for Giving

VANCO Online

(Via web browser via desktop or mobile device)
  1. Click the VANCO WEBSITE button below (or scan the QR code) to go to Atonement’s VANCO Giving site. (If you have an existing account, you may then click "Log In" to log in to your account).
  2. Click "Contribute" on the fund you would like to give to (General Fund, Youth Missions, KFAM, YFAM, Altar Flowers, etc.).
  3. Fill in the fields for dollar amount, one-time/recurring, date, etc.
  4. Click "Add to basket"  and then click “Continue to payment” and follow the prompts to complete your donation.

VANCO Mobile Faith Engagement APP

(Via mobile phone or tablet)
VANCO Mobile Faith Engagement App Icon
  1. Download the "VANCO Mobile Faith Engagement" app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. (If you have an existing account, you may then click "Log In" to log in to your account)
  2. Open the app and click on “Find My Church
  3. Search for “Atonement Lutheran Church Overland Park” and tap on the button for our church when it comes up.
  4. Click on “All Giving Options”, select the fund you would like to give to, and follow the prompts to complete your donation.

In-Person or By Mail

VANCO Mobile Faith Engagement App Icon
  1. Make your check payable to Atonement Lutheran Church and indicate on the memo line how you would like your donation allocated (General Fund, Youth Missions, KFAM, YFAM, Altar Flowers, etc.).
  2. Place your check in the collection plate during worship, drop it by the church office during office hours, or mail it to us at:
Atonement Lutheran Church
9948 Metcalf
Overland Park, KS 66212

Include Atonement in Your Legacy Giving

VANCO Mobile Faith Engagement App Icon
If you are interested in making a legacy gift in your estate plan that is related to your concerns, passions, and issues that touch your heart, please contact Pastor Zac or Dennis Allerheiligen for more information.

Where Does My Offering Go?

Atonement Lutheran Church Overland Park, KS
Our monetary offerings support Atonement’s life and ministry, including education classes for children, youth, and adults, copyright permissions for our worship music, ministries in the community, serving our neighbors,  keeping the lights on and all the other maintenance costs, salaries for our staff, and so much more.

And through our gifts of time and talent, we participate in bringing in God’s kingdom here on earth!
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Central States Synod
Just as there are three expressions of God in the trinity, there are also three expressions of God’s people in the community: local, synodical, church-wide. Our mission is one of sharing Jesus’ message of love around the world.

Our support makes it possible. When we support the mission of the ELCA through the Central States Synod, 50% of our gift is designated for use in Kansas and Missouri; 50% is forwarded on to our church-wide ministries around the world.

This is how we are making known the marvelous news that God is among us locally, regionally, and internationally. It’s the work of God by God’s people.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
This helpful graphic illustrates the many ways that our offerings across the ELCA support the many ministries that our church is involved with.