2024 Fall Stewardship

Our stewardship emphasis theme for fall 2024 was "Where Your Heart Is" to guide members and friends toward a more mature experience of personal and congregational stewardship. Through worship, we participate in a two-party covenant – God blesses us, and we respond out of gratitude by offering ourselves, our time, and our resources.
Whether onsite or online, worship changes hearts by refocusing our definition of treasure, shifting it from what outside influences or priorities suggest to what God desires for us. Through the act of worship, we share a portion of ourselves with God to do God’s work. Our generosity becomes grounded in the generosity of God’s abundance. Simply put, worship teaches us to say “thank you” to a God who continues to bless, accompany, strengthen, and forgive us on our faith journey. Every act of giving is also an act of worship.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
(Matthew 6:21 NRSV)
We encourage you to look in your heart – to find what it is you treasure, and how this is reflected in your life’s decisions and actions. Remember, hearts brimming with thanks, hearts open to living God’s word, hearts transformed by sacramental celebration, and hearts willing to go and serve to help change the world. It all begins with what you treasure in your heart.
Online resources are available using the buttons below to help guide you if you wish to create a Household Giving Plan to help you determine “Where Your Heart Is”. If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact Dennis Allerheiligen or Keith Mundy.
Whether onsite or online, worship changes hearts by refocusing our definition of treasure, shifting it from what outside influences or priorities suggest to what God desires for us. Through the act of worship, we share a portion of ourselves with God to do God’s work. Our generosity becomes grounded in the generosity of God’s abundance. Simply put, worship teaches us to say “thank you” to a God who continues to bless, accompany, strengthen, and forgive us on our faith journey. Every act of giving is also an act of worship.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
(Matthew 6:21 NRSV)
We encourage you to look in your heart – to find what it is you treasure, and how this is reflected in your life’s decisions and actions. Remember, hearts brimming with thanks, hearts open to living God’s word, hearts transformed by sacramental celebration, and hearts willing to go and serve to help change the world. It all begins with what you treasure in your heart.
Online resources are available using the buttons below to help guide you if you wish to create a Household Giving Plan to help you determine “Where Your Heart Is”. If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact Dennis Allerheiligen or Keith Mundy.
Our Vision for Stewardship Ministry
Guided by God’s grace, we are inspired to share grace, gratitude and generosity with others
While giving of our time and talents may sometimes be the easiest, scripture also asks us to give of our blessings. These would include our financial resources.
It is helpful to think of these financial resources in three ways:
Giving from their regular income
Giving from special or unexpected income
Giving from gifts, inheritance or accrued assets over time
Faith Response
Every year Atonement invites friends and members to reflect on God’s blessings in their life. With gratitude and generosity, each household is invited to participate in our ministry by making a Faith Response in support of the ministries in and through Atonement.
We encourage households to practice first fruits and proportionate giving. This means give a portion from the first income you receive each month and strive to grow toward a tithe, to a tithe and beyond a tithe as you have been blessed. You can make a Faith Response at any time throughout the year by using the link below.
We encourage households to practice first fruits and proportionate giving. This means give a portion from the first income you receive each month and strive to grow toward a tithe, to a tithe and beyond a tithe as you have been blessed. You can make a Faith Response at any time throughout the year by using the link below.
Need help determining proportional giving? Use this Tithing Calculator to make it easy to figure out how much to contribute on a regular basis!
Where does your money go?
The General Fund
This supports ongoing ministry including worship, education, fellowship and service.
Special Giving
This may include projects like Hillcrest Transitional Housing, Feed the Need Food Drives, the Church Library and more.
Festival Music
During the year there are festivals that bring to light talented artists, choirs musicians, creative thinkers and technicians. These festivals are enhanced by your donations.
Youth Mission
Children, Youth and Family ministries are important at Atonement and to the future church. Special events and trips provide an opportunity to love, shape, mold and grow faithful followers of Jesus. Your specific donations provide more opportunities to grow in faith and do God’s work.
Atonement Church Foundation
Donations and gifts to this foundation help to serve the mission of Atonement. Interest on the principle has been used to fund projects, events and seminary students inside and outside the congregation.
Wills, Trusts, Insurance, Estate Plans
You can keep making an impact in this world beyond the years you are blessed to be alive. If you would like to consider a legacy gift related to your concerns, passions, and issues that touch your heart, please contact Pastor Zac or Dennis Allerheiligen.
Planning Beyond Our Lives
An estate plan can include both concerns for your children or other family members and the causes or ministries that you highly value. If you would like to consider supporting Atonement or other ELCA ministries beyond your lifetime, one approach is to work with the ELCA Foundation.
Indirect Ways of Giving

For friends and members who have an account with Thrivent Financial Services, you may be eligible to designate a gift to Atonement each year.
Simply go to the link below and follow instructions. Designate Atonement Lutheran Church, Overland Park, KS, as the recipient and follow instructions.
Simply go to the link below and follow instructions. Designate Atonement Lutheran Church, Overland Park, KS, as the recipient and follow instructions.

This app will round up any purchase you make on a selected card to the nearest dollar and send that money to Atonement Lutheran Church. An example might be if you buy a sandwich for $3.65, your card will be charged $4.00 with the $.35 being sent to us, with some fees applied.